Traces - One artist's Breast Cancer Journey. Finding wellness through art, writing, photography, and travel.
My radiation schedule, as you may recall, was supposed to be every day for 15 days (minus the weekends, of course). Because of the July 4th holiday, and a long weekend in Idaho with friends, it pushed my schedule out until the 23rd of July. I was so happy to say good-bye to the nice radiation therapists, even though I really liked all of them.

One of the observations made during the course of the treatment was that my forehead looked sunburned all of the time (my ears are even worse), and the top of my head was exceptionally hot. Lucky for me, my hands are always cold, so I figured I could even out my extreme body temperatures by keeping my hands on the top of my head. This was a good plan, in theory, but as it turns out, my hands aren't quite cold enough to cool my head for more than a second or two, and my head isn't quite hot enough to warm my numb fingers. I am currently working on figuring out a way to get my toes onto the top of my head. That would be heavenly.
7/28/2012 12:40:06 am

I think some people had their toes on their heads yesterday in yoga ;-D
Love love love to you, Jayna! I'm glad this treatment is behind you. Praying for it's efficacy. Thanks for the photos, too.

Jonie Schaeffer
7/31/2012 02:55:28 am

If you do get your feet up to your head we will definitely need pictures, j/k but I am glad that the radiation is coming to an end.


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